The Pussy Talk
This work was presented as part of the exhibition CONCERNED: 30 ARTISTS ON HUMANITARIAN ISSUES, from 27 April to 26 September 2021.
Anne-Soorya Takoordyal, 2018. © Courtesy of CICR & Ville de Genève. International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum, Geneva.
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Images, Exhibitions
Images, Exhibitions
Estelle Veneut – Badr Smati
Images, Exhibitions
Concerned | the view of Raphaël Hatem
Videos, Focus
1213 Onex or The Manifest of a Third Culture
Images, Exhibitions
Concerned | the view of Isabelle Gatticker
Videos, Focus
Mes voisins - Francesca dans ses pensées
Images, Exhibitions
TOC, TOC, Territoire Occupé Convenablement
Images, Exhibitions
The Pussy Talk
This work was presented as part of the exhibition CONCERNED: 30 ARTISTS ON HUMANITARIAN ISSUES, from 27 April to 26 September 2021.
Anne-Soorya Takoordyal, 2018. © Courtesy of CICR & Ville de Genève. International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum, Geneva.
ImagesExhibitionsLinked contents
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Images, Exhibitions
Images, Exhibitions
Estelle Veneut – Badr Smati
Images, Exhibitions
Concerned | the view of Raphaël Hatem
Videos, Focus
1213 Onex or The Manifest of a Third Culture
Images, Exhibitions
Concerned | the view of Isabelle Gatticker
Videos, Focus
Mes voisins - Francesca dans ses pensées
Images, Exhibitions
TOC, TOC, Territoire Occupé Convenablement
Images, Exhibitions
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