Our Museum is more than just a place to see interesting things. It’s a fully fledged hub serving the local community – a friendly, welcoming space that’s open to all !
In 2022, a hundred architecture students from the EPFL's Alice laboratory have taken over the gardens and reception areas of the Museum. For several months, our visitors and the inhabitants of the neighbourhood have been enjoying eight wooden installations to sit, to eat or to work. In 2023, our gardens will be reinvented by nearly 100 architecture students to make it easier to meet, relax, play, read or picnic. The Museum Gardens are being transformed for you, and will be ready in June !
The students' research has begun, and three members of the Museum's team went to see the first models created at the Laboratory ALICE/EPFL. The meeting with professors and students allowed them to learn more about the current thinking, and the ways identified to make the gardens evolve in the best way. Anne-Outram, Director of External Relations, Carolyn, Director of Audience Development, and Cecilia, Head of Communication and Digital Content, were impressed by the quality and inventiveness of the proposals, and also by the relevance of the questions that were asked to them. Thank you to all the students for their work. Some ideas will see the light of day, others will not : this is an ongoing project !