Musée International
de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge
Musée International
de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge


Renovation of our spaces | 2024 at the Museum


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The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum has renovated its reception areas to offer visitors a brand new café, shop, interactive area and conference room. Find out more about the thinking behind it. The renovation of the reception areas is being carried out by Baubüro in situ, in collaboration with apropå, an environmentally-friendly architectural practice specialising in the re-use of existing materials. We would like to thank La Loterie Romande and Ernst Göhner Stiftung for their generous support.


Video © Rosy Lobster Pictures



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Renovation of our spaces | 2024 at the Museum


Der Inhalt dieser Seite ist derzeit nicht auf Deutsch verfügbar.

The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum has renovated its reception areas to offer visitors a brand new café, shop, interactive area and conference room. Find out more about the thinking behind it. The renovation of the reception areas is being carried out by Baubüro in situ, in collaboration with apropå, an environmentally-friendly architectural practice specialising in the re-use of existing materials. We would like to thank La Loterie Romande and Ernst Göhner Stiftung for their generous support.


Video © Rosy Lobster Pictures



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